
New Pew Research Center Internet Project Report: The Future of Privacy

Andrew Young — December 22, 2014

Last week, the Pew Research Internet Project released a new report on The Future of Privacy, co-authored by Lee Rainie, director of the Project and member of the Research Network.

The report “is a look into the future of privacy in light of the technological change, ever-growing monetization of digital encounters, and shifting relationship of citizens and their governments that is likely to extend through the next decade.

The 2,511 respondents to the survey responded to three central prompts:

Security, liberty, privacy online— Will policy makers and technology innovators create a secure, popularly accepted, and trusted privacy-rights infrastructure by 2025 that allows for business innovation and monetization while also offering individuals choices for protecting their personal information in easy-to-use formats?

Please elaborate on your answer. (Begin with your name if you are willing to have your comments attributed to you.) Describe what you think the reality will be in 2025 when it comes to the overall public perception about whether policy makers and corporations have struck the right balance between personal privacy, secure data, and compelling content and apps that emerge from consumer tracking and analytics.

**Bonus question: ** Consider the future of privacy in a broader social context. How will public norms about privacy be different in 2025 from the way they are now?

Read the report here.