Hosted by Erik Johnston at Arizona State University’s Decision Theater, the Opening Governance Phase 2 Kickoff convening involved reflection on the first three years of Network activities, and consideration of future opportunities and needs. Network members and guests from Arizona State Univeresity, Helios Foundation, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Phoenix City Government, SciStarter, and the United Nations Development Programme examined the following questions:
- What is the role of open governance in the new political era arising out of 2016?
- How can a flexible framework for assessing the success or failure of open governance approaches in institutions help to improve outcomes?
- What design principles define will define Governance 3.0?
- How does citizen science lead to more participatory and effective governance? How can experimentation be built into the use of crowdmapping tools to create new insights?
- What management strategies can improve the goverance of open governance?
- How can the tools and principles of open governance improve the effectiveness of Arizona schools?
- How can citizen-generated data improve urban resilience
- How can train entrepreneurs in the public interest?