
Research Network on Opening Governance at CASBS Knowledge Summit

Andrew Young — September 18, 2015

On November 5th, the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (CASBS) at Stanford University, in partnership with the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), will host the Knowledge Summit. Network chair Beth Simone Noveck and Henry Farrell will both participate.

The event will focus on three central questions:

  1. How do we produce knowledge?
  2. How do we disseminate it?
  3. How are we transforming the very nature of knowledge itself?

Noveck will be participate in a panel exploring the first question, namely on Governing with Digital Data, along with Brian Pierce and John Markoff. In the panel Is the Medium the Message, Farrell will examine the question of dissemination with fellow panelists Annalee Saxenian and Craig Forman.

Farrell’s involvement in the Summit follows his previous interdisciplinary convening held at CASBS in the context of the Network. That event focused on bringing together experts from the fields of computer and political science in the interest of developing a common language and collaboratively solving public problems.

Read more about the event and register here. \n\n”